LogoLifts With Wolves

1 on 1 Video Call

This is a one hour, one on one video call with me personally. This option is available for those who would like to get some one on one coaching from me personally. If you’re struggling with the mental side of staying on track, this is an opportunity to get help from me personally to work through whatever it is you’re going through and need some support with. We can also use this call to go over some videos of your lifts so that I can break down your form and give you some corrections. This call is where we can adjust and taylor things to you personally. This is your opportunity to get some personal attention from me to help answer some more in depth questions, or support you on a deeper level with anything you might be struggling with. Keep in mind, I am always available to answer questions in the chat feature on the app for no additional charge! Following your workouts is one thing, and I have done my best to make that as easy as possible with this app. Following your diet is another. But I think most people will agree that mindset, motivation, and discipline are the hardest part… That’s why I decided to create this one session video call option. So we have the opportunity to connect one on one, face to face which is a much more beneficial way to address the deepest reasons why people struggle… We will address your mental and emotional struggles, which can be tough to do sometimes, but that is ALWAYS where the most growth happens! If this sounds like the kind of help you need, go ahead and purchase this option and I look forward to seeing you and speaking with you!

Plan Includes

  • One on one video call with me.

  • Discuss whatever you need help with

How it works

  • Once you have purchased your call, message me in the chat here on the app and we will have a brief back and forth. I ask that you give me the general rundown on what you would like our call to be about, and I will most likely ask you a few questions. That way we can outline our call so we make sure cover everything and don’t forget anything! Unexpected topics always come up, but its good to have a plan!
1 day

One Time Payment


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